Recruited conga line shot apriori at regular speed digitally accelerated. Action (maybe scripted) recording the supposedly quotidian affects a Warholian cinema verite as live-action still-life fast-forwarded sans direct portraiture. Envision disembodied appendages of faceless torsos blurrily staccatoed in a Chaplinesque doppler effect chasing one another ala Keystone cops. Or basically your run-of-the-mill videokinetic homage to all things Futurist nee Filippo Tommaso Marinetti or Giacomo Balla and his crazy "spinning legs" dog on a leash. And where is Alvin Toffler now? (somewhere in Korea hawking technological egalitarianism) But to superimpose a bunch of bikinied Asian babes in pursuit is pure Benny Hill. So what next, Beat Takashi revives Zatoichi?
A Good Piece of Ash is ahead of Fractured Patellae currently.