Spiralled stanchion jetty slanted in descending order revamped, the center of which containing a polka-dotted spinning dial, offsets either an abstract (and unstretched) canvas as Oriental rug or perhaps glossy Twister pattern mural.
Suppose entire installation relocated to accentuate a right angle so that it somewhat resembles a poor man's version of the Persistence of Memory but outlined by pujii stick barriers. Then standard dialogue between wall to floor interrupted if formal composition transgresses traditional demarcation separating perpendicular planes of figure to ground relationship.
Actual enamelled discs of varying thickness substitute for flat circles transliterating two-dimensional space for three-dimensionality. And maybe the imaginary lines projecting from the hypotenused area beyond incompleted cube could be developed as enclosed interior.
Next step then is to reject site in lieu of object as architecture. Build a series of boxes copying Donald Judd, except each one larger than the previous with the final rendition room-sized. Inside, paint all surfaces (including ceiling and floor) as described above.
Or Larry Poons banging Yayoi Kusama threesoming Sol Lewitt. A decorative orgy of geometry quoted and footnoted.