First things first is to tie up loose ends literally. Too many unresolved ideas and too many dusty objects lounging about just sit unattended, ignored or forgotten in the proverbial waiting room too exhausted or too injured to glumly stare back. But the inexorable march does happen and finally the mountain stops because Mohammed uttered Simon says.
That said, maybe continue dissecting the lariated stool legs into digestable drumstick portions just by way of stretching out the form. Its minimalism is oddly enough too empty and requires multiplicity. To julienne further divides and doubles, triples if not quadruples that which already exists. Not a bad idea considering that gnawing feeling of this piece being unfinished or rethought.
But do check off repairing the broken cleaved segments because stick it with a fork, it is done. Prepackaged wood dowels predrilled exactingly allowed for the disconnected sections to be glued and biscuited for added strength. Designing a reusable crate for freight of said work, though, is another story.
And what of the hexagonal lamp carcasses?