The importance of timing is ironic. Especially given how a certain anxiety permeates the state of which things now exist. First a subtle but somewhat innocuous leak that inexorably gushes buckets full followed by the proverbial geyser. So it does pour when it rains and with cats and dogs too. But even as department heads push the panic button repeatedly, no amount of magic can avert the inevitable pink slips. Such happens hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly only the collateral damage inflicts a deeper psychic wound. Lame ducks wittingly or not abound.
Useless talk of inverted pyramids to complicate rather simple strategies of tried and true known quantities temporarily buoys the punctured dinghy only long enough for all hands on deck to abandon ship. Consequently the rudderless skipper dependent on a proliferation of extraneous prerequisites paddles single-oared around in circles. His lieutenants obviously failed: one from obsessive-compulsive disorder, the other of caveat emptor.
Never mind the ramifications of not shooting a dying horse on the ground. At least our Custer will die with his shining patent black leather boots on. Live and let live to a nauseatingly indifferent conclusion, he pronounces. Crying wolf over so little a running balance is creative accounting. Think the bluff of Enron and Sherman marches on, burning torch aflame.
And April Fool's Day surprises the jester and his court. Out of the blue, blue left field comes an avenging angel in the guise of a second chance. For the evicted executive surreptiously breaks union picket lines. Unbeknownst even to the annointed, another game is afoot. Offer him a deal not to be refused. Switch places officially and lead the apostate astray. Once again it is a wonderful life.
A bell rings.