Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Notes on video orientalia

Disassembled Ming replica footstool in seven pieces form a Chinese puzzle of three faux cloisonne vases huddled inside the decorative fireplace hearth of ecru brick.

A cluster of bright satin embroidered pin cushions connect its mushroom tops like famous Siamese twins Chang and Eng plus one pair of baby China doll slippers atop Remembrance of Things Past.

Greasy porcelain Kung Fu master in White Crane pose basks Kikkoman aglow as the afternoon sun sets.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't believe this. I set out to get some ideas on my new site.. you know themes, color, layout, etc.... and I can't believe how much stuff I've found looking around. I'm liking some of the stuff I see here... some good ideas at least. I'm not sure if I want to go with normal blue underlined links or if I want an entire theme of colors for all of the text and the links too. Anyway, nice page, it gave me something to chew on. If anyone actually sees this and feels like it, you can check out my site. freestanding fireplaces